Monday, January 14, 2013

Kicking Off My New Years Running Regimen

I haven’t run or exercised much since Gavin was born. My list of excuses include Gavin’s sleeping pattern, the weather, the holidays, family visits, blah, blah, blah.

With the CF Monkey on my back, during these gaps I lose my condition quick. Some of it might be old age too, I don’t remember getting out of shape like this when I was 18. Regardless, I’m coming off a lingering cough and an inconsistent therapy schedule (Gavin turned my schedule upside down for a while). I need to get back to running around my community and the greenway, timing my runs, fitting in some interval workouts and making sure I go to the World Outreach Running Club on Saturdays.

Here’s my first workout week of the New Year to blow CF out and get back in shape.

Couch to 5K Workout (w/ Amy)  
Warm Up – 5 min ~ .3 mile, Interval Workout – 20 min ~ 1.25miles (60/90 jog/walk)

Run – 1.54 miles ~ 11:25 (7:24 p/mile)

Couch to 5K Workout (w/ Amy) – 1.01 mile run
Run – 2.08 miles ~ 16:34 (7:57 p/mile)

Run Group Run – 3.18 miles ~ 27:55 (8:46 p/mile)

Weekly Miles – 9.40 miles  

This will be my jumping off point to whipping my lungs back in shape. I plan to build my mileage, 1-2 mile sustained runs is a great beginning but plan to increase my mileage and speed over time. Hopefully the weather will cooperate this week to get more miles in.

If anyone feels inspired to train for a 5K, I am coordinating a race for Cystic Fibrosis in Murfreesboro on May 18, 2013.


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